What Is Orthopedic Rehabilitation?

Orthopedic rehabilitation is a form of therapy that treats a large variety of conditions which affects the skeletal and muscular systems that include arthritis, back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, congenital conditions, sports injuries, total joint replacement and many more. Orthopaedic rehabilitation centre are setup where rehabilitation experts help the patients to recover the skill and develop the strategies to resume their daily activities.  Orthopaedic rehabilitation is done through physical therapy which is a profession that seeks to return patient to the highest possible degree of personal independence. A physiotherapist works for patients with disabilities in muscular, skeletal, neurological, circulatory and respiratory system. 


The physical therapist first of all evaluates the patient and his or her medical record and consults with the other member of the patient health care team according to the plan of the treatment. Then the physiotherapists administer and plan the individualised treatment programs that are designed according to the ailment of the patient to restore functional movement, relieve pain and recovery. After evaluation the physiotherapist treats his or her patient through various forms of exercises, functional activities and assistive or adaptive devices. During this process a physiotherapist help patient adapt to permanent disability if necessary. During the treatment time a patient is under regular observation, tests and interviews provide essential information about the strength, reflexes and daily living activities of the patient. 

Orthopaedic rehabilitation can be done through following treatment:

  1. Cryotherapy (cold therapy): In acute injuries cold therapy is effective in minimising pain and swelling. Ice message and ice pack application are the examples of cryotherapy.
  2. Heat therapy: With the help of heat therapy tight tissues can be soften and it relieves pain. When you apply heat it can improve your blood flow, decrease pain and increase mobility after any injury. 
  3. Tens: Tens stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation which is an electrical device that delivers relatively low voltage electrical current to the body with the help of small electrodes. These devices can be used by physiotherapist to reduce swelling, stimulate blood flow and provide pain relief.
  4. Ultrasound: Orthapedic rehabilitation is also done through ultrasound in which deep heat to the body is provided through sound waves.
  5. Acupuncture: Insertion of fine needles into the specific point of the body to reduce pain, inflammation and aid in healing. These needles should be extremely fine and much finer than the needles used in delivering an injection.
  6. Strengthening exercises: Exercise can include stretching to reduce stress on joints and with the help of exercise you are able to strengthen the muscles of your back, abdominal and hips. You can do exercise addition to the regular daily activities that will perfectly improve your flexibility, strength and endurance. 
  7. Aquatic therapy: Aquatic therapy is used to help patients; in which stretching, walking or other simple exercise in warm water therapy pool offers many important benefits to the patients who are getting back on their feet. Ideal temperature of the therapeutic pool should be at 92 degree F for relieving pain and keeping patients comfortable. This therapy improves the circulation, decrease pain and muscle spasms, increase the range of motion and flexibility which are the benefits of the aquatic therapy in a warm water pool. 
Orthopaedic rehabilitation program provides intensive, comprehensive, multidisciplinary and coordinated rehabilitation to the patients who suffers hip, neck, back, muscles, bone and knee injury. Physical therapy always includes education and training for performing daily task safely so that you can protect your joints and avoid reinjury. You have to use assistive device such as walker or wheelchair and should do home exercise designed to help you to come out of your injury. Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs are also available for the progressive mobilization of the patient.
Find out different types of orthopedic rehabilitation products at https://www.gpcmedical.com/203/rehabilitation-products-&-aids.html


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